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#notice 受服务器提供商 Advin 迁移洛杉矶上游影响,博客在 7 月 8 日~10 日可能会有不等时间的无法访问。 对博客的维护将在服务商迁移上游之后进行(
Dear Sir,
Within the next few days, we will be migrating all servers in our Los Angeles location to owned hardware. This change will bring many benefits to both us and our clients.
We will be migrating to a new upstream in our Los Angeles location, which will provide a far better network and much better overall network stability. The new upstream is approximately under 1ms from our previous upstream, as they are located in very close datacenters.
Over the course of the next few days, you may see some temporary network interruption and/or a reboot of your VM. We are working to minimize the downtime caused by this migration, but there may be some depending on various different factors. Due to the amount of VM's that we are migrating, the interruption can happen at any time throughout the next few days to your VM.
Our new owned hardware will provide much better reliability, performance, consistency, and stability to your virtual machine. The underlying CPU model of your VM may change during the migration, but we will be using comparable processors with similar or better single and multi core performance.
We expect to start the migration on Saturday, July 8th and end the migration on Monday, July 10th. We expect 5-10 minutes of total downtime per VM, but this could be more or less depending on various factors as mentioned before.
Thank you for choosing Advin Servers!
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